Letterpress Printing
Digital Pre Press
SNAP Studio
Society of Northern Alberta Print Artists
Vandercook SP20 Proof Press
Polymer Plates
Pioneer Press Ltd.
Edmonton, Alberta
Pro Coro Canada
Season Posters and Postcards
The Project
The 2022-2023 season marked excitement for in-person experiences and heightened interest in hands-on craft and skill after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a response, I letterpressed a limited edition run of 150 copies of each of the 10 season concerts as well as a season announcement postcard on a Vandercook SP20 Proof Press.
The coloured blocks on the posters were printed digitally ahead of time. Individual polymer plates were created for each title block for each season concert. The title blocks were then letterpressed printed on top of the pre-printed digital colour blocks.
The photo gallery below has images of the works in progress as well as finished. The video documents the letterpress printing process.